Monday, August 4, 2008

not like i blog much, but anyway, won't be updating here any more. moved to lj.

Friday, June 27, 2008

i'm 21.


that book you didn't let me buy, the picture you printed at a ripoff, the blueberry waffle, the rose poem, the calls from the various countries, that retro combi of a present, coming to pass me the airflown present, turning up for dinner, coming out of camp for dinner, the leney day post, the big present and the even bigger meaning behind it, the alcoholic cake, the girls.. and i'm sure there's stuff i'm not remembering..

.. thanks :)

cousin and i were talking over lunch a few days back, and she was telling me about some useless people in her life who just keep taking but never quite give back. i was thinking about it, and i realized that hey, certain people in my life are like that too. but the greater realization was, what sucks is that whilst grousing in some corner about how such people just keep taking, the blame is perhaps upon one's own stupidity for such repeated giving in the first place. so, while it's sad to have identified such people, at least i can find relief in knowing that those who matter don't fall into this tragic category.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

hello world (:

i haven't been posting because i've been busy, and lazy too.

school's out for me, flying off to London (the real one) tonight. there's been many little things to be happy and excited for, and amused about (:

(a) i was struggling so bad with my luggage. even though the door to the bus station was just 50m from the sidewalk, after the cab driver dropped me off i couldn't make it to the door on my own. then two men popped out from nowhere and carried my bags for me while i trotted along behind them. yay!

(b) Aunty Ann does it again! she prepared for us so much food, curry and laksa, cos she thought we'd miss local food like crazy. i'm just reminded of how Pea, Evan and i were talking about our little arrangements that time, and how people get so amazed at it.

(c) little random ways of having someone pop into my life

(d) Evan just told me something to the effect of goodies (okay, linglongs) waiting for me in NY. whee i love my friends :)

(e) there was one day that i had 6 currencies on me! swiss francs, pound sterling, USD, CAD$, SGD and euros

.. i'm sure there's a lot more things that'd come to mind later, but right now i've many random things to do in preparation to leave. and yes, i'm lazy also la.

one last thing; HI DADDY! my dad stalks me online and complains i don't update.


Monday, April 7, 2008


Hungry I come to you
For I know you satisfy
I am empty, but I know
Your love does not run dry

So I wait for you
So I wait for you

I've fallen on my knees
Offering all my needs
Jesus you're all this heart is living for

Broken I run to you
For your arms are open wide
I am weary but I know
Your touch restores my life

So I wait for you
So I wait for you

-- by Kathryn Scott --

a lovely song we sung during service today, and you came to mind.
you gave me a song, at a time when i needed it most.
i hope right now, this helps you too :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008



Friday, March 21, 2008


work's been crazy, but life's been good still.
hanging out with the exchange girls, random mirror photos with Grace, going for the Caisa fashion show...
and hanging out with the NUS SICC case team the time they were here was great.

how time flies! i'm nearly done here at Ivey, just about two weeks more to go..

Spring Break: Montreal/Quebec/Toronto

lagged, but better late than never. heh.
so, life slowed down for a bit..



a gathering of people (:

it'd better not be another 8 years before i next see you, Nas!